5 Ways to Prepare So You’ll Look Great at Parties

You’ve been invited to a friend’s party and you know it is going to be a big one. Naturally, you want to look your best! You want to dazzle & shine and make a memorable impression.

To help you achieve a party ready look, here are five things easy things that you can do beforehand.

1. Start with planning for the party.

It’s hard to look fresh and amazing if you’re on a rush so it’s best that you plan ahead. If you know the party is going to be in a month’s time, now is the best time to do your planning. Choose what clothes you’d like to wear, what makeup to use, and even how you plan to get to the party (Uber? Drive?).

After all, the less you worry, the fresher you’ll look!

This also includes planning how you will prepare on the day. Make sure you leave yourself plenty of time to shower, prepare your outfit and do your makeup.

2. Choose your hairstyle.

What hairstyle do you want to go with? Do you want a shorter or longer hair Would you like to dye your hair to a richer color or a completely different shade? Another great idea is to wear a hair extension, which will give you extra volume and length. If you’re new to extensions, here’s a guide on how to perfectly fit a halo hair extension on your own hair.


Of course, if you’re still not sure how you want your hair to look on the day, then go to a stylist and together you can come up with the right style for you.

3. Put together your outfit.

Once you get your invitation, one of the first things you need to know is the dress code. Is it a formal event or will casual attire do?

Once you know the dress code then it’s time to take a look at your wardrobe. Do you have the right dress for the event or is it time to go shopping? Shopping may sound exciting but it is not always an option especially if you’re a little tight on the budget. If you don’t have an outfit that you like, perhaps you can borrow from one of your friends, or alter something you already own?

4. Wear the right shoes.

While your shoes should fit the dress code, it should also be a pair that you can comfortably wear for hours. Do not pick a pair of shoes just because they’re pretty and they look good on you. Comfort should be of utmost importance because no-one wants sore feet at a party.

5. Pamper yourself the night before.

If you want to feel fresh, the the key is to be properly rested. Make sure that you get enough sleep the night before. Do not plan a night out the day before the party so you will be well rested and feeling great.

Do whatever it takes to make you feel pampered. Take your time in the shower, use a good cleanser, apply moisturizer all over and put on your best perfume.

It’s Really in the Preparation

It’s hard to look great if you don’t put much effort into how you look. Even celebrities take time to plan their style before they go to any party. So do the same and you will have a great time and rest assured knowing you look the best you possibly can!